Monday 22 October 2018

Second Quarter: Reflection

Another grading is done. I can say that this grading was hard and challenging but also interesting. This quarter we learned about the internet access and how to make a html file. It is hard for me to make a html file at first but time goes by and I found that it is easy and interesting.
It is not easy to do school works but by the help of my friends I survived. Learning is fun and also challenging.

Unity of Everybody

Every year we celebrate the United Nation to honor the interstate organization promoting human rights, social progress and world peace. One major problem in our universe is not accepting each other differences and through this United Nation it remind us to accept each other.

Look around and you can see people discriminating other countries' color, culture, likes and dislike. They intend to judge other people with out knowing that the gap between them are getting far. The unity and world peace that was created is getting destroy.

We people must know how to respect in order to have a progressive world.

Teacher: A Bridge to our Success

Nurse, doctor, police, engineer, and other professions. "I want to become a doctor someday" said the little  kid. A lot of dreMs that is waiting to be come true. But how can this dreams be fulfil if there's only a dreamer.

In our journey to achieve our goals we need someone to help and guide us, someone who is willing to teach and be part of our life. In short we need a teacher. Imagine our world without them, do you think there's an archtect who design houses. I think there is no. There are engineers, police, lawyers, etc. everywhere but without a teacher they are nothing.

Like what they say "My teacher, My hero" yes a teacher is a hero. They light up the path to our future. They lift us in order for us to reach our goal.