Wednesday 6 March 2019

Ylocos Kannawidan

     Kannawidan is a festivity which the City of Vigan celebrates every year. In this festival, the Ilocano people showcase cultural shows, native products and the talents of the Ilocanos. Kannawidan Ylocos Festival became an annual festival that aims to create awareness on the preservation of the province’ rich cultural heritage, practices and traditions, and a showcase of the different agriculture and industry products of the province. There is a need to preserve our rich heritage and unique culture.

     The Ylocos Region is very rich in many aspects. It is full of extraordinary historical events which made the region unique among the other regions. And this includes the foods, delicacies, literary works, tradition, ethnic music, handmade products etc.
      This is such a great and important occasion for all the Ilocanos. Because this is the time to reminisce our past, our culture and to treasure it for this is our identity. This is who we are, Ilocanos.


117th foundation day of ISNHS

              Last March 1 and March 2, 2019 the students and employees of ISNHS celebrated the 117th foundation day of the school.  The first day of foundation day is the awarding of the candidates of Mr. And Ms. High School Day. The highlight of the second day is the  field demo and parade of the students with their props and costumes.

             The most awaited part of the celebration is the field demonstration where in students in every grade levels showcase their talents in dancing. The judges choose a winner, one for the boys and one for the girls. The announce winner for the boys is grade 8 as well as the girls. But it's not the place or the victory that matters but what matter is the students enjoyed their performance.

The foundation day went well and all the performance in field demo is amazing and beautiful with the help of the Mapeh teachers and the support of the advisers.


Sunday 17 February 2019

It's Ourself Who Can Change the World

               Change happens whether we like it or not and regardless of whether we do anything about it. Tomorrow will be different than today. We can resist, but that is a bit like standing in a river and trying to hold back the water – useless. We have a choice to watch change passively happening around us, or to participate and lead it.
                Most people who say they don’t like change mean they don’t like when it happens to them, but they don’t mind if they are the ones initiating the change.  We’d rather be the changer than the change-ee.
                 Changes are taking place on all levels, from simple to complex; whether the minuscule transformations of our brain cells to the political crises unfolding around the world. Some changes we can manage, some we can influence, but realistically, most are outside our control. Statistically few of us will change the history of the world in a momentous way. Individually we cannot eradicate war, poverty, greed and corruption. I won’t invent a cure for cancer or solve the opiate crisis. But I can change myself. And in changing myself I may have a greater, more positive impact on my world – the one in which I actually live.
                 We can lead change and make our world a better place if we start with ourselves. Learning to become a better spouse, parent, businessperson, leader, salesperson, philanthropist, coach and volunteer will enable me to contribute more to my family, my community, and my industry. By inviting positive change into my life, by initiating change, I might be able to positively influence others.
